TAB Level Up Business Conference Survey We appreciate your feedback Please answer the questions below as best as possible. All answers will be anonymous. * The Venue was nice, clean and professional. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The food was satisfying. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The speaker & session content for "How to Pivot & Prepare: Economic Trends And Your Business?" was insightful, interesting and useful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The speaker & session content for "Boost Productivity and Efficiency with Practical and Accessible Technology Tools?" was insightful, interesting and useful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The speaker & session content for "A Look at the Future Tech Curve: Understanding Generative AI" was insightful, interesting and useful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The speaker & session content for "Secure Your Future: Planning A Successful Business Exit?" was insightful, interesting and useful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The speaker & session content for "Overcoming the Six Temptations of Successful Organizations?" was insightful, interesting and useful. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The quality of the conference was worth my time. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I would recommend this conference to a fellow business owner. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Do you have any recommendations on topics for future events? Thank you!